Party like Human Bender.
<a href=""> uman-bender-wally_1280.jpg</a>
When you fall, get right back up.
Age 33, Male
New Zealand
Joined on 6/18/09
Party like Human Bender.
<a href=""> uman-bender-wally_1280.jpg</a>
Teach me your ways, master.
I DON'T WANNA PAR- Is that cake?
No, it is a young girl who is dancing.
Didn't get the portal reference did ya?
What is this, 2007?
Can't people say the word 'cake' without apparently having referenced a video game?
Cake is still a thing people eat, you know.
Ok. I get it. It was a bad joke.
I like eating cake. Non-portal-tainted cake.
Party hard?
Party with Jean Luc Picard?