When you fall, get right back up.
Age 33, Male
New Zealand
Joined on 6/18/09
Oh you so mean!! Baawwhaaaha! ... lol
So it was the dogs and the dingos were not responsible?
can you ask of the can eat my little brother too
and good work on your latest flash
your...profile pic is......its like your miserable doing this....its ok...i know you like to do flash......right?
My heart feels the pain of a thousand lonely suicide.
Congrats on frontpage, dude!
I liked your newest flash, I knew a chick like that at my high-school. She wasn't hot though. :(
is your mom crying blood dust now?
How did you know?
how are you not sadd
And I'm sitting outside by my mud lake
Waiting for the pack to take me away
Right after I die, the dogs start running up towards the glowing sky
They will receive their rewards
Sure didn't expect to see song lyrics from this song on here =) You've good taste in music. (In my opinion).
Now they'll receive their rewards...
Creating a popular flash by stealing someone else's work... for shame. That's low. Gee, I wonder what percent of your flash works are stolen?
It's as if people can't even read flash descriptions.
Yey, Modest Mouse. Cool flash by the way ;D